A couple weeks ago I found out about Papergirl -Detroit on Facebook via DAM (Detroit Artist Market). This project needs your help!
What is Papergirl - Detroit? Well, read on my friend (same info as that on their facebook page).
(Big huge giant thanks from the Papergirl San Francisco group, for the info that I borrowed this information from!)
Papergirl was founded in Berlin by Aisha Ronniger and has been carried out once a year in the summer since 2006. It began as a response to a tightening of German graffiti laws that equated putting up posters in public spaces with graffiti spraying. This is the San Francisco division of that same project.
Papergirl is distributed like a newspaper, but not edited or printed like it; it consists of art pieces which are rolled up together. All the artwork is shown in a gallery setting before distribution. Contributions are sent in by mail or handed in personally and are later included in the art rolls.
There are no guidelines as to quantity or format: zines, prints, drawings, paintings, photos, textiles, stickers, writings, etc. are all welcome. Each roll contains anywhere from 5-10 different works, meaning that each one holds a unique combination of art!
Everyone can participate by submitting art and/or by helping with the distribution. We don´t select pieces for Papergirl, everything that gets submitted is shown and distributed, so it´s the artist who decides what he/she wants to show and give away as a gift.
Papergirl is an annual mail-art and delivery systems art project that collects artwork from all over the world and, in the style of American paperboys, distributes the art freely by bicycle to people in the streets of Detroit.
Papergirl seeks to bring art to the public like never before, directly and freely by bicycle.
The basic idea with the project is to bring art to our community in a new and exciting/fun way. We're into the idea of facilitating people being generous with each other, sharing ideas and energy with strangers. We like nice surprises.
We want to promote creativity, culture, and participatory activities among the people that live here, and/or beyond. You don’t have to be from Detroit to submit work!
This isn’t like walking into a gallery and buying art off the wall, this is making a connection, even if for a moment, with strangers and giving them something without asking for anything in return!
The world needs more art and kindness!
Won't you join us?
These pieces can be any size, any shape, any material as long as they are
(as many or as few as you'd like)
-There is no selection process
-The art that is collected is photographed and put on our website with the details of the artist. (still working on this part!! No website yet!)
-The art is shown in an exhibition for the public to see (still working on this part too!!)
-The art is rolled up, and a band is put on the roll to explain the project to the "catchers."
-PaperGirls (and men and women who would like to participate can) take a bike ride together around the city with the rolls of art
-The rolls are given out at random to people on the street.
-We celebrate a wonderful project with the PaperGirls and anyone else who wants to join.
-We start to work on next year's PaperGirl.
Again, they need you, they need me. Check it out and spread the word! LINK to Papergirl Detroit.
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