Monday, November 28, 2011

Talk to the Train Station

Lovin' this city of Detroit.  Spoke with someone today who had lunch with one of the potential developers for the Michigan Central Station.  We chatted about the potential for the MCS and art, of course.  So, I looked around on the interwebs and learned more about two sides of a couple of issues regarding the Ambassador Bridge (links Detroit to Windsor, Canada) and the iconic train station.  So, having photographed it a little this year on the fly (from outside the fence), I have decided to learn a bit more about this once beautiful building and who will "SAVE THE DEPOT".  Lots of Detroiters are getting involved.  People in Corktown have been developing and maintaining the gardens in front.
So, my point, is I was looking for info on the train station and the upgrades that have begun and found an article in the Detroit Free Press "What Would You Do with the Michigan Central Station?"  that led me to the page where you can actually talk to the station and give your input.  Check it out!!! It's going to take awhile, but it will be fabulous!

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